25 Books That Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lives
The greatest books are defined as classics for a reason. Written by the greatest literary minds of their time, they have universal themes, characters, experiences, emotions, and perspectives that are still relevant today. Some of them are the very inspiration from which entire modern genres of literary fiction have sprung up from. If you love reading, here are 30 books that that we feel are defining milestones in our literary tradition. Some are well known classics, others are modern giants. All are well worth reading at least once in your life! To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Published in 1960, this timeless classic explores human behaviour and the collective conscience of The Deep South in the early 20th century. Humour entwines the delicate strands of prejudice, hatred, hypocrisy, love and innocence to create one of the best novels ever written. Print | eBook | Audiobook 1984 by George Orwell Although 1984 has passed us by, Geo...